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Re-branding east London

Enquiry question: How is east London being re-branded?
Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding

  • Re-branding is the way a place is redeveloped and marketed to gain a new identify

  • Cities are increasingly shaped by the need to project a positive image to the world

  • East London has already experienced re-branding in Docklands

  • The 2012 Olympics has also helped to re-brand east London

Geographical skills

  • Identify evidence of re-branding

  • Carry out a survey on re-branding

  • Assess a re-branding project

Learning outcomes

Most students will be able to:

  • Identify evidence of re-branding in Stratford

  • Carry out a survey of the impact the Olympics have had in Stratford

  • Assess re-branding in other places around the Olympic Park

  • Identify the key players in re-branding east London

  • Consider the extent to which the Olympic Park is vital in re-branding east London

    Pre-visit recommendation

    Students should:

    • Have background knowledge of the concept of re-branding

    • Consider what perceptions they have of east London and write these down before the visit

    • Devise a list of evidence of re-branding to look for when in east London


    Meet at Stratford station. From the town centre bridge, point out different phases of redevelopment in Stratford – Stratford Centre (c1970), bus station and Jubilee Line extension (c1999), Westfield and Olympic Park (2011/12). Explain why east London was in need of re-branding and regeneration.


    None required


    Location 1: Stratford Ask the students what evidence of re-branding they would look for in east London. Share ideas to add to sheet. As examples of evidence, point out ‘The Shoal’ sculpture in front of Stratford Centre and the sign, ‘Newham – a place to live, work and stay’.

    Walk through Stratford Centre to the Cultural Quarter, then along the Broadway and back, via the bus station, to Stratford station. As they walk, students note more evidence of re-branding and suggest the purpose or message of each example. They take photos and locate evidence on a map. Stop at intervals to provide some historical context and background for the evidence they find. Students choose one example of re-branding to draw an annotated sketch.

    Location 2: Stratford Town Centre Students carry out a survey of people in Stratford Town Centre, about the impact of the Olympics on the area. They could interview a shop owner or stallholder about changes since Westfield opened and the Olympics were held.

    Location 3: Westfield/Olympic Park Walk through Westfield. Model with students how to complete the re-branding assessment sheet, using Westfield as an example. Explain to students that regeneration and re-branding of east London was an important part of the Olympic legacy.

    Location 4: Hackney Wick/East Village Visit one, or both, locations to carry out a re-branding assessment. One option is to split the class into groups, each group to visit one location.

    At each location, students work independently in groups to collect the information they need to complete their assessments. Encourage them to be observant, talk to people and, if necessary, be nosy and go into buildings to ask questions. They identify the key players involved in re-branding, and what their interest is.


    Location 1

    Sheet 2: Evidence of re-branding

    Sheet 3: Map of Stratford

    Sheet 4: Background to Stratford

    Location 2

    Sheet 5: Re-branding survey

    Location 3

    Sheet 6: Re-branding assessment

    Sheet 7: London Legacy Development Corporation area map

    Location 4

    Sheet 6: Re-branding assessment (repeat)

    Sheet 8: Key players in east London

    Sheet 9: East Village map


    Students share information from their visit to Hackney Wick +/or East Village. What examples of re-branding did they find? To what extent is the Olympic Park important in re-branding each location? What further need of re-branding did they find, and how would they re-brand?

    Finally, have their perceptions of east London changed? For better or worse?


    Sheet 10: Re-branding east London summary

    Footer image of Stratford
    Footer image
    Footer image of Stratford